(A Special Show)
Interview With Madame X
(A Special Show)
Interview With Madame X
Live from Alpine, Texas
Chris’ rides solo
Apple officially supports podcasting
Hank’s turn
Live from Vancouver, BC
Just saying hi!
Podcasting in abstentia
It’s 6:12 am in Texas, do you know where your Chris is?
The Lisa and the Rainbow Apple
Dynaco Amps
Macs as drugs deals
Mac Skins?
Oxen Wrangling
Dream Setups
Hank’s Retro Preferences Rank
The wrong email
My Mac Guys is not dead!
Hank solo
Email asking if MMG is done?
The Dock!
Chris’ an Avid story
The Announcement Show
Hank and Chris gab-fest
First show that hank was in control.
Spam Control
First show after Chris’ hiatus
MacWorld 2006 Announcement
Chris remembers the “goals” of our podcasting endeavor to go to MacWorld
Steve Jobs and Me documentary
(Please try to overlook the technical difficulties, we were flying by the seat of our pants for sure!)
OK, My Mac Guys recorded a live show at MacWorld 2006 in San Francisco, just like we said it would. What a RUSH! Chris and Hank just finished our 26th show, It was cool, it was nerve racking and it is over. And, I think it is pretty good. We had a couple of technical issues, but it did not stop us from keeping to our “rules of engagement” first and foremost, have fun. The show is over-modulated and widgets crashed us at the halfway point, other than that it is flawless.
Learn our opinions about the key note, Steve Jobs dress code, and much, much more.
Sound Studio 3
Tony Jammal
Silicone skins for iMacs
Ultimate Ears,
iBank 2.01
TechTool Protoge
Google Earth is unreal.
After the flood
Mimic Guys
Stage Frieght
Was MacWorld 2006 Fun?
iPod Toilet Paper holder
Versiontracker, you are in our sites
Rhetoric Theater
Feedback makes us happy
Old hardware, New hardware
Corkboard on floppies
Return to old format
The lady next door
Childlike Steve Jobs
Google Music!
HRMC plug
Make magazine
Apple can be frustrating!
Thanks for the memories